Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Responsibility and Sustainable Development

At KLEEMANN, responsible behaviour is a strong commitment for us. Our strategy focuses on five main areas, based on which we develop our annual action plan: Human Resources, Health and Safety, Environment, Marketplace, Society.


Human Resources

Our people are the key to our success



We provide responsibly, high-quality products



We respect the environment and interact harmoniously with it.



We assume our social role

Health and Safety

Health and Safety

Protecting the health and safety of all our employees and associates is a key and non-negotiable priority for us

Corporate Responsibility and Sustainable Development

Corporate Social Responsibility is an integral part of our culture and determines the way we operate. We support Corporate Social Responsibility entities internationally and are fully aware of our broader role in society, beyond the limits of our operation. Our strategy for Corporate Responsibility and Sustainable Development focuses on the following five pillars: Human Resources, Health and Safety, Environment, Marketplace, Society.

If you want to learn more about our strategy and our performance in the field of Corporate Responsibility and Sustainable Development, you can contact us at As the dialogue with our stakeholders helps us to improve, we will be happy to receive your comments.


working at KLEEMANN

We grow and excel

because we place people at the heart of our corporate culture

KLEEMANN Mission, Vision and Values

We are committed to our Vision

Having built a strong brand name in the sector, at KLEEMANN we retain a respected position among the best lift suppliers around the world. We constantly innovate, grow, develop and improve, staying in tune with our global character.


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